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AAHAR 2025:
Gold Sponsors - Dugar Overseas Pvt Ltd, Epicure Vimbri Foods, Sponsors - Indian Culinary Forum, Hospitality Purchasing Managers' Forum, Spiritz Magazine
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Forum of Indian
Food Importers

Home One Business

Forum of Indian
Food Importers

Home One Business

Forum of Indian
Food Importers


About Us

Forum of Indian Food Importers

The Forum of Indian Food Importers (FIFI), a non-governmental, and not–for–profit entity, stands as a pivotal organization within India's vibrant agriculture, food, and beverage sector. With an unwavering commitment to enhancing the industry's landscape, FIFI serves as a beacon of knowledge and support for its diverse membership base. Through its extensive outreach endeavors, FIFI offers invaluable insights into the intricacies of the Indian food and beverage market, encompassing areas such as regulatory compliance, market exploration, and business enhancement strategies. Moreover, FIFI's dedication extends beyond mere business interests, as it actively contributes to various Government of India programs and the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, championing initiatives ranging from skill development to the empowerment of women entrepreneurs.

With a robust membership representing over 6,500 stakeholders and 1,600 brands, In addition to Indian business entities, FIFI's membership base includes representatives from over 100 countries, comprising businesses either operating in the Indian market or engaged in commerce with India. FIFI serves as a unifying force, fostering collaboration and driving positive change within the industry and beyond.


Upcoming Events

Event Highlights


FIFI Hosted Buyer Mission to SIGEP, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy ( 20-24 January 2024 ) sdf

FIFI Virtual Round Table with FSSAI Director Imports and Director Western Region (22 May 2020)

FIFI Virtual Round Table with FSSAI Director Imports and Director Western Region (22 May 2020)

FIFI Led Regulatory Compliance FSSAI Session, (23 April 2020)

FIFI Led Regulatory Compliance FSSAI Session, (23 April 2020)

FIFI Pavilion at AAHAR- The International Food and Hospitality Fair, New Delhi (03-07 March, 2020)

FIFI Pavilion at AAHAR- The International Food and Hospitality Fair, New Delhi (03-07 March, 2020)








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