a) Members/Associates will know, understand, and support FIFIs mission, core purpose, values, goals, strategies, and annualdirectives.
b) Members/Associates will obey all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government authorities while acting on behalf of FIFI or representing himself as a Member/Associate ofFIFI.
c) Members/Associates will only use FIFIās marks, insignia, name, logos, and trade dress only after obtaining express written consent from its Board of Directors or from any such person who is authorised by the Board of Directors in thisregard.
d) While participating in any event organized by FIFI or representing himself/herself as a Member/Associate of FIFI, he/she will not engage in disruptive, inappropriate, verbally or sexually harassing behavior toward others, and will observe the personal boundaries set byothers.
e) Members/Associate will respect the data privacy of otherMembers/Associates.
f) No Member/Associate will represent himself/herself or his/her company using FIFIās name in such a manner as to imply endorsement by FIFI in order to advance personal or his/her company sales, leads or othergain.
g) Member/Associate will become familiar with and follow policies, procedures, guidelines, and Code of Conduct enacted by FIFI, while acting on behalf ofFIFI.
Members/Associates must not use or disclose any confidential information to any person or entity outside FIFI, either during or after their association with FIFI, except with written authorization of FIFI or as may be otherwise required by law or regulation.
Members/Associates will not use confidential information for their own personal benefit or the benefit of persons or entities other than FIFI.
Confidential information includes all non-public information to which Member/Associate is privy to in his capacity as a Member/Associate of FIFI. It includes, but is not limited to non-public information that might be of interest to the press, or harmful to FIFI, if disclosed.
Non-public information includes but not limited to information relating to FIFIs operations, including financial information, donor lists, mailing lists and any information relating to fundraising (including fundraising efforts, plans, ideas and proposals), minutes, reports and materials of the Board of Directors and its committees, and any other documents identified as confidential.
FIFI requires its Members/Associates to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Members/Associates should seek advice from FIFIās legal counsel or its Board of Directors in case they have any doubt with regard to any legal compliance required to be done by them in connection to such Membership/Association.
Members/Associates shall not offer, directly or indirectly, any illegal payments, donations on behalf of FIFI to its Directors or to any third party. Members/Associates shall ensure that they cooperate with governmental authorities in efforts to eliminate all forms of bribery, fraud andcorruption.
Every Members/Associate of FIFI shall ensure, at all times, the integrity of data or information furnished by him / her to FIFI. He / she shall be entirely responsible in ensuring that the confidentiality of all data is retained and in no circumstance transferred to any outside person / party in the course of normal operations without express guidelines from or, the approval of the Board.
A Members/Associate of FIFI shall always act in the interest of FIFI, and ensure that any business or personal association which he / she may have does not involve a conflict of interest with the operations of FIFI and his / her roletherein.
The Members/Associatesshall not accept a position of responsibility in any other similar organisation without specific sanction from the Board of FIFI.
FIFI is committed to ensuring that all its Members/Associatesare treated with fairness and dignity. Accordingly, Members/Associates shall refrain from indulging in any discriminatory practice based on race, color, sex, age, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability or any other unlawful basis.
FIFI is committed to and support the constitution and governance systems of the country in which it operates.
Members/Associates will ensure that FIFI shall not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. FIFIs conduct shall preclude any activity that could be interpreted as mutual dependence / favour with any political body or person, and it shall not offer or give any company funds or property as donations to any political party, candidate or campaign.
No Members/Associates shall make use of, or knowingly misappropriate theassets of FIFI for personal use, for use by another, or for an improper or illegalpurpose. Members/Associates are not permitted to destroy anything of value belonging to FIFI without the Boards express prior written consent, including bothphysical items and electronicinformation.
No Member/Associate shall answer any questions from the media, donors, potential donors or any other members of the public unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board. If any Member/Associate receives any such inquiry, he/she should obtain the name of the person and their contact information if possible and immediately notify the Board.
The provisions of this Code can be amended / modified by the Board of Directors of FIFI from time to time and all such amendments / modifications shall take effect from the date stated therein.
For the purpose of this clause the term "Waiver" means a material departure from a provision of the Code.
The Board generally will not grant waivers to the Code. Member/Associate seeking waiver must make full written disclosure of the particular situation to the Board and the waiver, if granted, must be approved in writing by the Chairman of the Board and promptly disclosed.
a) All complaints about any Member/Associate must be addressed in writing to the Board of Directors of FIFIās or to any such person who is authorised by the Board of Directors for thispurpose.
b) No third party complaints from person who has not dealt with the Member/Associate directly will be considered by the Board of Directors.
c) Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Board of Directors or any person authorised on its behalf will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and will detail out the process to befollowed.
d) The complaint will be examined and, wherever relevant, additional information may be south from the person filing the complaint. If the complaint is deemed to be outside the remit of this procedure, then the Board of Directors or the person authorised in its behalf will advise the complainant inwriting.
e) Once the substance of the complaint is clear to the Board of Directors or the person authorised in its behalf, they will write to the Member/Associate against whom the compliant has been filed and ask for their response and any information required to make ajudgement.
f) Upon receipt of all the requisite documents and information required to make a reasoned decision, the Board of Directors shall decide the matteraccordingly.
Each Member/Associate shall be accountable for complying with this Code.
Allegations of violations of this Code will be reviewed and investigated by the FIFIs legal counsel, or, in appropriate circumstances by the Board.